Newsletter Issue 4: 30th March 2023


What an exciting week it’s been! Harmony Day on Tuesday and then Ride2School on Friday.

Bike and Blend

The big surprise was the Bike and Blend – we certainly used our pedal power. But the smoothies were delicious. That was a surprise gift for our school from Darebin Council! See page 4 for photos.

School Council

We have a new School Council. After our first meeting we can provide you with information on those parents who are on Council to represent you, the parent body and support our school.

I would like to thank those parents who are retiring from their position on Council. They have supported the school in so many ways over periods ranging from two years through to eight.

The school owes them a huge debt of gratitude; thank you Linda Angeloni, Ahmet Yilmaz, Anita Gupta and Jodie Barker.


During the last two weeks, Year 3 and Year 5 students had the NAPLAN experience. Whilst these results provide a snapshot of where students sit in the curriculum areas, we all must remember that is it a one-off test on one day, under conditions that can be tricky.