Our School

We are proud of our safe and inclusive learning environment where students from all backgrounds and cultures thrive and develop a pride in their education.

Reservoir Primary School aims for the best possible outcomes in student achievement. Our school provides a learning environment where children progress in their learning and develop their creativity and curiosity. Our school setting ensures children feel safe, cared for and valued.

All levels of academic ability are catered for as our teachers work at each students’ level of need, enabling each child to reach their full potential.

Our teachers work in collaborative teams to plan and implement teaching programs to provide positive outcomes for every child, including the health and well being of our students and their families.

As well as the core curriculum in English and Maths, students enjoy Science, Visual Arts and Physical Education, performing Arts and Auslan as our LOTE (Language other than English).

There is also the opportunity to learn instrumental music (violin and keyboard) as electives.

Our library is a vibrant and engaging learning space that students take pleasure in using.  In classrooms, students have access to laptops and iPads with a 1-to-1 ratio.

We encourage parents and families to become involved in our school through forums such as the School Council.  We also welcome many opportunities throughout the year where parents can join in with their children such as assemblies, curriculum focus evenings or days, sporting events, excursions and other activities.

The core values of Respect, Responsibility, Acceptance and Personal Excellence make our school a safe, happy place where everyone can experience pride in their achievements before they move on to secondary schooling.

The School

Our architecturally designed learning spaces integrate the history of our 100-year-old building with modern STEM building and Gymnasium. Our school, which celebrated its centenary in 2024, includes well established and maintained grounds, with flexible learning spaces complementing our high-quality learning program. All classrooms have been upgraded and renovated providing the ultimate learning environment.


Within walking distance of both Reservoir and Ruthven stations, located in a quiet residential area between Barton and Duffy streets, Reservoir Primary School is accessible from many surrounding suburbs.

Reservoir Primary School 1924

From Our Principal

I welcome the opportunity to introduce you to Reservoir Primary School. I am very proud to be the principal of this amazing community whose reputation resides with the exceptional students, dedicated teachers of calibre and family support that ensures a strong link between home and school. Our students are at the heart of what we do and decisions we make.

I believe that having quality, inspirational and passionate teachers is essential to a school’s success. I know that classroom teachers are best equipped to provide a safe and secure learning environment that ensures students flourish in their learning and wellbeing. Our collaborative approach to planning for all our children is maximized by the experience and expertise we are able to tap into with our diversely qualified teaching staff.

Reservoir Primary School has a strong culture of high expectations and is committed to excellence. We are also proud of our inclusivity and diversity, ensuring all students, staff and families are welcomed and celebrated. Our staff have an unrelenting determination for everyone to succeed.


Learning is more than an academic pursuit; it is knowing and doing more than you did yesterday. We provide a balance between a student’s intellectual, physical, emotional and relational needs. We are passionate about challenging our students at their point of need and for supporting children who require additional help through our multi-tiered system approach to support.

Students at Reservoir Primary School participate in a wide range of cultural, technological, environmental, creative and sporting events with our specialist subjects of Arts, Auslan, Physical Education and STEM. We also enjoy so many learning experience through excursions, incursions, camps and special days.

Our climate for learning is exceptional. We work with our students in a collaborative and orderly atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. This gives them a sense of belonging and safety and a pride in our school and in themselves and helps them fully realise their potential.
Warmest Wishes,
Carolyn Bamberg


Choosing the best school for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make, and at Reservoir Primary School we ensure your child’s transition to our school is positive and welcoming.


To start primary school, your child will need to turn five years old by 30 April in the year that they start school, and have started school in the year they turn six years of age. The enrolment procedure for Reservoir Primary School is simple and we’re here to help. Enrolment forms are also available from the school office.

Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.

Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.

For more information, you can:

Foundation Transition

During our Foundation Transition program held in Term 4, pre-school children have the opportunity to meet their teacher and the other pre-school children during informal play sessions. These sessions instil familiarity with classmates, teachers and surroundings, helping to make their first days at primary school less daunting.

Our Better Buddies program assists with the transition of the first year of primary school allowing our older students to look out for their young buddies – encouraging a positive and caring school culture.

Transfer from other schools

Entry at other year levels is welcomed, both from students whose families are new to the area, or if they are looking to change schools.

An information booklet will be given to all new families; it outlines details of our educational programs and school organisation and includes handy hints to help your child make the transition to our school.

Enrolment Enquiry Form

Our Vision

Our vision at Reservoir Primary School is for every student to be part of a stimulating and safe learning environment and to ensure that every child has the opportunity to recognise and achieve their full potential, empowering them to become responsible citizens of the future.

Our school’s philosophy:

  • Develop the whole individual; academically, emotionally and socially.
  • Instill a desire to learn and ability to maximise educational opportunities.
  • Activate student voice and agency so that students have an active role in what and how they learn.
  • Make learning exciting, dynamic and meet the needs of all students.
  • Have high expectations of staff and students.
  • Celebrate our achievements.
  • Build respectful relationships between home and school where staff, students and our community are valued.
  • Uphold our school values as the foundation for teaching and learning.