Our school follows the guidelines provided by the government’s Victorian Curriculum.
The purpose of the curriculum is to ensure that Victorian students are well equipped to deal with our changing world.
It aims to:
- Give students the skills they need for work and life: literacy, numeracy, scientific knowledge and skills
- Promote resilience and respectful relationships
- Utilise digital technologies and the capacity for critical and creative thinking and expression
Reservoir Primary places a high priority on literacy and numeracy, providing extension, individual and small group support programs to cater for individual needs.
Science, Visual Art, Performing Arts and Physical Education are taught as specialist subjects. As well as the main learning strands and associated domains, extensive extra-curricula programs are integrated throughout the school year.
Students also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs including: Camping, Instrumental Program (Strings and Keyboard), Gardening, Gymnastics, Swimming, Waterwatch and Interschool sports.
Our educational programs are enhanced by the use of multimedia technology; computers and iPads are fully integrated at all year levels. Every classroom has notebooks and iPads for this purpose. Use of photography and video media are an additional mode of learning and presenting study areas.
Results from statewide and national testing confirm that Reservoir Primary School provides highly successful programs and effective classroom teaching matched to the needs of the students.
Our school follows the guidelines provided by the government’s Victorian Curriculum.
The purpose of the curriculum is to ensure that Victorian students are well equipped to deal with our changing world.
It aims to:
- Give students the skills they need for work and life: literacy, numeracy, scientific knowledge and skills
- Promote resilience and respectful relationships
- Utilise digital technologies and the capacity for critical and creative thinking and expression
Reservoir Primary places a high priority on literacy and numeracy, providing extension, individual and small group support programs to cater for individual needs.
Science, Visual Art, Performing Arts and Physical Education are taught as specialist subjects. As well as the main learning strands and associated domains, extensive extra-curricula programs are integrated throughout the school year.
Students also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs including: Camping, Instrumental Program (Strings and Keyboard), Gardening, Gymnastics, Swimming, Waterwatch and Interschool sports.
Our educational programs are enhanced by the use of multimedia technology; computers and iPads are fully integrated at all year levels. Every classroom has notebooks and iPads for this purpose. Use of photography and video media are an additional mode of learning and presenting study areas.
Results from statewide and national testing confirm that Reservoir Primary School provides highly successful programs and effective classroom teaching matched to the needs of the students.
Reading & Viewing
We use a consistent approach to plan and teach reading across the school to ensure that student learning is supported and extended for improved student outcomes.
- Daily one-hour reading sessions
- Small group, guiding reading sessions
- Differentiated teaching and learning determined by student learning needs
- Learning intentions that are articulated to the students
- Incorporation of the E5 framework with the lesson plan (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate)
- A home reading program that allows students to bring chosen texts home to read with their parents, guardians/families.
Mathematics lessons contain the following: an explicit purpose, explicit number fluency practise, students working on tasks beyond their current levels of thinking, teachers communicating high expectations and useful, purposeful feedback and established classroom norms for working.
- Daily one-hour sessions
- Incorporation of the E5 framework within the lesson plan
- Differentiated teaching and learning determined by student learning needs.
- Lessons that move learning from supported practice to student independent practise.
- Planning documents that record the guiding principles of Mathematics lessons.
Humans love to wonder, imagine and question – and this is the essence of Science.
We encourage our students to experience the excitement of scientific discovery while nurturing their natural curiosity about the world around them. In doing this, students develop critical and creative thinking skills and challenge themselves to identify questions and draw evidence-based conclusions using scientific methods.
- Students explore Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences and Physical Sciences
- The framework for Science is based on the Victorian Curriculum
Our Science curriculum has three interrelated strands:
- Science Understanding
- Science as a Human Endeavour
- Science Inquiry Skills.
These strands provide students with understanding, knowledge, and skills through which they can develop a scientific view of the world.
The Arts
At Reservoir Primary School we aim to teach an engaging and enjoyable arts program that arouses student curiosity and links students to a world of creativity, imagination and culture. Curriculum planning is innovative and all programs are engaging and relevant.
Our Arts program includes Visual Art and Performing Arts.
Health and Physical Education
Our Sport program aims to develop each students’ physical abilities – for each child to do their ‘personal best’.
We focus on the development of fundamental motor skills as well as teamwork and fair play across all year levels.
In Sport, our students:
- Learn new skills
- Have fun
- Make friends and develop good interpersonal skills and ‘sportsmanship’
- Are challenged to exercise daily to be the best they can
Student Leadership
Young Leaders Program
Reservoir Primary School takes pride in the active involvement of students in their school.
We offer a range of leadership opportunities where student voice and agency is promoted and developed. Students are encouraged to take an active role in decisions around their learning and all things that affect their school life.
Our Young Leaders Program focuses on the skills, values and attitudes needed for effective student leadership.
This program aims to maximise students’ leadership potential and through their participation students learn:
- Public speaking
- What makes a good leader
- Problem solving
Our student leaders are our role models and act with:
- Care, respect and reliability
- Positivity and enthusiasm
- Empathy towards others
- Fairness and honesty
Teaching Teams
Our teachers work in collaborative teams to plan and implement teaching programs to provide the best learning outcomes for every child.
Foundation Team
PREP M: Jenna Montile
PREP B: Elyce Brown & Tilly Brian
PREP C: Courtney Baker ( Prep Team Leader)
Year 1 Team
YEAR 1 S: Anne-Marie Sukkar
YEAR 1 G: Penny Grbevski & Lauren Mdluli
Year 2 Team
YEAR 2 H: Erin Halloran
YEAR 2 M: Maria Mirasgentis (Year 1 & 2 Team Leader)
Year 3/4 Team
YEAR 3/4 A : Angela Gregorc (Year 3/4 Team Leader)
YEAR 3/4 S : Katrina Smith
YEAR 3/4 B : Elizabeth Bogdanovski (Leading Teacher)
YEAR 3/4 T : Gabriel Trevan
Year 5/6 Team
YEAR 5/6 A : Tammy Angelevski (5/6 Team Leader)
YEAR 5/6 OA : Ozan Aksu
YEAR 5/6 D : Robert Di Marco (Learning Specialist-Numeracy)
Specialist Teachers
Visual Arts – Sonia Boots ( Specialist Team Leader)
Physical Education – James Cosgriff
LOTE (Languages Other Than English) AUSLAN – Penny Grant
Science/STEM – Rebecca Moon
Instrumental Music – Bill Cawte, Bianca Soh
Education Support Staff
Gaye Clark, Amanda Harrison, Janelle Mahoney, Andrea Hull
Office Administration
Bianca Soh
Business Manager
Melissa Southern