
We are committed to delivering high-quality education that equips our students with the knowledge and skills needed for success. We follow the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 and apply the principles of the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0. This involves teachers planning collaboratively, using data and assessment, to ensure all students’ needs are met.
Teachers apply the principles of explicit teaching in the classroom, whilst also ensuring the classroom is welcoming, and learning is engaging and interesting. We consider cognitive load and spaced practice, using Daily Reviews for both literacy and numeracy. We also provide lots of opportunities for learning experiences and curiosity through our Humanities program, Specialist subjects and extra-curricular programs.
Student learn the following Specialist Subjects:
  • Visual Arts
  • Performing Arts
  • STEM
  • Physical Education
Students also have opportunities to engage in our Gymnastics program, Swimming, Camps, Concert and Art Show. Students also engage in Respectful Relationships curriculum, and throughout each subject, develop the key capabilities of the Victorian Curriculum:
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Ethical
  • Intercultural
  • Personal and Social.
We use the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support model to guide our instruction and any supports students may need to ensure success. This may be through literacy intervention programs, Disability Inclusion initiatives and Individual Education Plans (IEP)

Reading & Viewing

We use a consistent approach to plan and teach reading across the school to ensure that student learning is supported and extended for improved student outcomes.

  • Daily one-hour reading sessions
  • Small group, guiding reading sessions
  • Differentiated teaching and learning determined by student learning needs
  • Learning intentions that are articulated to the students
  • Incorporation of the E5 framework with the lesson plan (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate)
  • A home reading program that allows students to bring chosen texts home to read with their parents, guardians/families.


We believe that a strong foundation in mathematics is essential for students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. To ensure effective learning outcomes in mathematics, we employ evidence-based strategies based on the principles of explicit teaching and the Science of Learning.
Mathematics at our school is not only about solving equations; it’s about building a deep understanding of concepts and strategies. We present new mathematical concepts to students in manageable chunks, connecting them to their prior knowledge. By breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable parts, we help students develop a solid foundation and build their mathematical skills step by step.
To support the transfer of new learning from working memory to long-term memory, we incorporate regular and spaced practice sessions. Through deliberate repetition and reinforcement, students solidify their understanding of mathematical concepts and enhance their problem-solving abilities. Our structured Daily Reviews play a crucial role in this process. These reviews involve revisiting essential maths skills at regular intervals, enhancing recall, problem-solving speed, and overall confidence. Students enjoy these fast-paced and highly engaging reviews, making the learning process enjoyable and exciting.
Furthermore, we have implemented a systematic scope and sequence for mathematics instruction from Prep to Grade 6, using the Victorian Curriculum 2.0. This approach ensures that all vital skills and strategies are taught in a logical and sequential manner. By following this scope and sequence, we prevent any gaps in students’ mathematical knowledge and avoid unnecessary repetition of content from year to year. This systematic approach allows students to build a solid mathematical foundation, ensuring a smooth progression of learning throughout their primary school years.
Our goal is to develop confident and capable mathematicians who can apply their skills and knowledge effectively. By providing a supportive and engaging learning environment, we empower our students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and lifelong learners in the field of mathematics.


Humans love to wonder, imagine and question – and this is the essence of Science.

We encourage our students to experience the excitement of scientific discovery while nurturing their natural curiosity about the world around them. In doing this, students develop critical and creative thinking skills and challenge themselves to identify questions and draw evidence-based conclusions using scientific methods.

  • Students explore Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences and Physical Sciences
  • The framework for Science is based on the Victorian Curriculum

Our Science curriculum has three interrelated strands:

  • Science Understanding
  • Science as a Human Endeavour
  • Science Inquiry Skills.

These strands provide students with understanding, knowledge, and skills through which they can develop a scientific view of the world.

The Arts

At Reservoir Primary School we aim to teach an engaging and enjoyable arts program that arouses student curiosity and links students to a world of creativity, imagination and culture. Curriculum planning is innovative and all programs are engaging and relevant.

Our Arts program includes Visual Art and Performing Arts.

Health and Physical Education

Our Sport program aims to develop each students’ physical abilities – for each child to do their ‘personal best’.

We focus on the development of fundamental motor skills as well as teamwork and fair play across all year levels.

In Sport, our students:

  • Learn new skills
  • Have fun
  • Make friends and develop good interpersonal skills and ‘sportsmanship’
  • Are challenged to exercise daily to be the best they can

Student Leadership

Young Leaders Program

Reservoir Primary School takes pride in the active involvement of students in their school.

We offer a range of leadership opportunities where student voice and agency is promoted and developed. Students are encouraged to take an active role in decisions around their learning and all things that affect their school life.

Our Young Leaders Program focuses on the skills, values and attitudes needed for effective student leadership.

This program aims to maximise students’ leadership potential and through their participation students learn:

  • Public speaking
  • What makes a good leader
  • Problem solving

Our student leaders are our role models and act with:

  • Care, respect and reliability
  • Positivity and enthusiasm
  • Empathy towards others
  • Fairness and honesty

Teaching Teams

Our teachers work in collaborative teams to plan and implement teaching programs to provide the best learning outcomes for every child.

Foundation Team

PREP M:  Ms Montile

PREP B: Ms Brown & Ms Bryan

PREP C: Ms Baker (Prep Team Leader)

Year 1/2 Team

YEAR 1/2GM: Ms Grbevski & Lauren

YEAR 1/2D: Mr Di Marco (Team Leader)

YEAR 1/2M: Ms Mirasgentis

YEAR 1/2T: Gabe

YEAR 1/2L: Ms Macheda (Learning Specialist)

Year 3/4 Team

YEAR 3/4 A : Angela (Year 3/4 Team Leader)

YEAR 3/4 L : Lauren

YEAR 3/4 B : Ms Bogdanovski  (Leading Teacher)

YEAR 3/4 M : Maurice

Year 5/6 Team

YEAR 5/6 A : Ms Angelevski (5/6 Team Leader)

YEAR 5/6 OA : Mr Aksu

YEAR 5/6 T: Tania (Learning Specialist)

Specialist Teachers

Visual Arts – Ms Boots ( Specialist Team Leader)

Physical Education – James

LOTE (Languages Other Than English) AUSLAN – Penny

STEM – Ms Moon

Instrumental Music – Bill & Bianca

Education Support Staff

Amanda, Katrina, Linda, Janelle, Andrea

Business Manager


Assistant Principal

Connie Williams


Carolyn Bamberg