Newsletter Issue 15: 20th December 2023

Year 6 Graduation

Our gym took on a grand new look last week for our Year 6 graduation celebration.

We rolled out the red carpet, displayed the students on film and showed some wonderfully nostalgic photos from the seven years of their primary schooling.

A small group of them also performed a musical piece, and each of them spoke about aspects of their school life and also about their teachers.

The evening was a very polished performance and a very special occasion for these students who are about to embark on their secondary schooling.

Some special awards were presented, and I congratulate these students:

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Newsletter Issue 15: 1st December 2023

End of Year Approaches

Hello again everyone,

It is getting very close to the end of the school year; there will be only one more newsletter.

Our editor in chief, Bianca Soh is getting married and will be absent for the next two weeks. We all wish her the very best and will see her back for just the final three days of school.

All teachers are busy finalising class lists for 2024. We do really put a lot of thought into this and I have appreciated the insights some of you have shared with me.

Year 2 Sleepover

Last night, Year Two students had great fun at their Sleepover. Pizza was extremely popular and the fruit disappeared very quickly!

This is a terrific pre-camp experience for these children, as not all of them have been away from home overnight before. It means the school camp next year will be taken in their stride; they’ll enjoy their time away from the family.

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Newsletter Issue 14: 17th November 2023

Classes for 2024

We are now considering the school structure for 2024.

If any of you who would like to provide me with information regarding your child’s placement next year, please get in contact with me now.

This may be regarding friendship groups or about their educational needs.

This is not a time to “select” a teacher but to assist us to place your child in a class where they will have the best chance of further developing their learning; academically and socially.

We endeavour to establish classes so that everyone has children in their rooms with either existing or potential friends.


How fantastic was our Concert; what a wonderful community event (see more photos on page 9).

Thank you to all the teachers who helped prepare the students, and a huge thanks to you, our parents who made sure every child had their costume or outfit ready to wow us all on stage.

I’m sure you agree that the evening was a terrific success – even the weather remained just right for us.

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Newsletter Issue 13: 31st October 2023

Well it’s almost November! If you’re stocking up on some Halloween treats, don’t forget our request for lolly donations for our Mini Fair on Friday. Parents and younger siblings are most welcome to join us for the fun. It starts at 11.45am and will continue for two hours (more details on page 3).

Year 3 and 4 students have returned from their camp experience which was an exciting time for them all with some great highlights in this newsletter on page 7.

Year 5 students joined in a Yarning Conference organised by Darebin and the Wurundjeri elders (see page 4). Our STOMP lessons are continuing and again students are loving that time.

Preps enjoyed their excursion to Bundoora Farm. Year one students will visit there on Friday 10th.

After our Mini Fair, the Concert is the next big ticket item. And speaking of tickets, we will be selling tickets this year.

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Newsletter Issue 12: 17th October 2023

Here we are, back in Term four and already things are busy.

Last week some of our Year 5 students attended the Yarning Conference organised by Darebin and the Wurundjeri elders. We received very positive feedback and I think some of this may be shared at assembly this week.

Our dance program has started in the lead up to the school’s concert. We will put out some more information regarding this very soon. But the date has been locked in for Wednesday 15th November. The day after that has been designated a Pupil Free Day and all-day care is available, but you must book for this at least a week before.

A senior cricket team will be playing against some other schools in a final on Wednesday; Thornbury, Preston and Westgarth are the opposing schools – we wish them the best for that day.

Groups 2 and 7 have an excursion to the city on Wednesday. Prep excursion is on Friday and next week is the Year 3&4 camp.

On Saturday, parents set up a Sausage Sizzle and a Bake stall and did amazingly well. I would like to thank all the parents who donated something delicious for the Bake stall, and also those who donated drinks to sell with the sausages. I know we cooked approximately 700 sausages!

A number of families worked all day at making this a successful fundraiser, so a huge and very grateful “shout out” to them all. I believe $3,500 was raised – which will all go towards upgrading our play equipment.

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Newsletter Issue 11: 15th September 2023

As Term Three draws to a close it is timely to reflect on the past ten weeks; what’s taken place, what we’ve achieved, enjoyed and learnt.

Our Prep classes have hosted visitors on a number of occasions – Kinder groups loved playing with our current Prep students and having fun in their classrooms during Prep Transition sessions. Thinking back to last year when our Preps were Kinder Kids, it never ceases to amaze just how far they have come. Many parents have also called in and our Prep enrolments for 2024 are steadily growing.

Classes are now well established in our new building; three senior classes upstairs and the Art Room and STEM room downstairs. The library is also there and is proving to be very popular. As well as borrowing books for their individual reading, so many students call in there during their breaks either to play games, read, draw or just chill out in the Calm Corner.

Gymnastics was a great hit – junior classes were held in our gym with loads of new and challenging equipment brought in by the Niddrie instructors. Senior students loved the actual Niddrie Gym – ropes, balance beams, ladders, the foam pit and other amazing equipment proved extremely popular.

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Newsletter Issue 10: 11th September 2023

So much has happened in recent weeks…

Our gymnastics program has now finished. There has been positive feedback from all teachers, and students have been very positive about the program.

Inter-school competitions in futsal and basketball were enjoyed at Reservoir High’s sporting facility. The senior basketball boys team won on the day so were feeling really pleased with themselves when they were presented with their medals.

During Science Week we were bursting at the seams; so many parents came into classrooms to join in some interesting Science experiments and activities.

Parents of our senior students participated in a Puberty Education forum, as the students were taking part in lessons.

Book Week was also a great success – it’s so much fun seeing the innovative and creative outfits that come along.

And we have a very exciting new event for families happening on Wednesday this week – our STEM “ARCADE”! See further details on the flyer inside.

Newsletter Issue 9: 11th August 2023


SUPERHIRO DAY – Wednesday 16th August

National Bullying Prevention Week is on the 14th August to the 20th August.
Our school has decided to participate in SuperHIRO Wednesday which is hosted by Bully Zero – an annual fun day that involves schools, workplaces and the community wearing their favourite superhero outfit (or symbol) on Wednesday 16th August 2023. Students do not have to wear a superhero costume (although they are welcome to do so), they may also dress as someone who is a superhero to them.

SCIENCE MORNING – Thursday 17th August 9.15am

National Science Week is on the 12th to the 20th August and to celebrate we will be hosting Science Morning. You are invited to join us!
Each class will participate in a Science activity prepared by their teacher. Classrooms will be open for families from 9:15 on Thursday morning.
Please note, this session will be finished by 10:45 to allow for pack up before eating time.
We hope to see you there!

Newsletter Issue 8: 2nd August 2023


Hi everyone,

Things are moving along with our buildings; many changes have taken place inside our old building as well as in the areas surrounding it.

The weather is also starting to improve – let’s cross our fingers and hope this is the beginning of Spring.

Beginning last week, we are welcoming our future students; our Preps in 2024.

They are visiting and spending time with our current students and having a great time. It is such an important step as it allows them to become familiar with their school environment.

Over the coming weeks, we will have sporting activities in basketball and indoor soccer. Two teams from Years 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 will take part in these competitions with other schools in our district.

Camp is also only one and a half weeks away for Years 5 & 6; a terrific opportunity for them.

Our Gymnastics program moving along and is extremely popular. We will provide you with more photos very soon. But maybe you could ask your children about it. As we are using a different company, some feedback would be really great.

Newsletter Issue 7: 23rd June 2023


What a term it was!

Well, that’s Term Two done and dusted. But what a term it was! As terms go, it was short – nine weeks, but so much happened that somehow it seems like it’s been quite long.

But all the events were positive, with great outcomes for the students at Reservoir. 

Exciting Experiences

Students have enjoyed many different experiences across these nine weeks:

Basketball clinics
Seven weeks of inter-school sports
Cross country runs
Excursions to Fed Square, CERES, Jewellery exhibitions and Edwardes Street for comparisons between “Reservoir then and Now”
Incursions have included the Metropolitan Fire Brigade and Money Matters
It has also been great to see so many parents helping out in classrooms – we’re almost at the pre-Covid levels with parents working with teachers to strengthen the students’ learning experiences.