Newsletter Issue 1: 10th February 2023

How lovely to be back to normal!
Last week our students spent time regrouping with old friends, forming new relationships and displaying excellent learning behaviours. Our first two groups of students received Achievement Awards or Student of the Week awards. We also welcome many new faces and I have been lucky enough to have spent some of the first few days checking in with our many new students.
Welcoming Preps
Of course, our Prep students have arrived and are extremely well settled into their new classrooms; they even joined the rest of the school at assembly on Friday. In moving around the school, it’s fantastic to see the wonderful supports and learning tasks that we offer. It’s terrific to know that our staff are working hard to ensure that all our students are thriving in an environment that values and celebrates learning and encourages gratitude and self-esteem.

Newsletter Issue 15: 16th December 2022

Year 6 Graduation
Our gym took on a grand new look last night for our Year 6 graduation celebration. We rolled out the red carpet, displayed the students on film and showed some wonderfully nostalgic photos from the seven years of their primary schooling. Students took on the challenge and presented themselves to their families. We certainly have a couple of budding performers – the MC’s were amazing. A small group of them also performed a musical piece, and each of them spoke about aspects of their school life and also about the teachers. The evening was a very polished performance.
Cricket Team Success
Our senior hardball cricket team were successful in being premiers this year. They were presented with their pennant at assembly last week. Congratulations to them for playing so well in a skilled and sportsmanlike manner

Newsletter Issue 14: 28th November 2022

Hello again,
What a great day it was on Saturday – and no I’m not talking about political results, but rather the terrific community effort at our Sausage Sizzle and all the other wonderful offerings. We were selling an amazing selection of plants, small lettuce seedlings, a variety of really interesting tomato plants and some indigenous native plants. I really want to thank all those parents who came along and put in some hard hours so that this fundraiser could be a success. Sausages and onions were on the go all day – from 8.00am till 4.00pm when the last sausage was sold…. I think we sold over 700 throughout the day.
We received some generous donations from Coles and Bakers Delight, and then so many wonderful goodies were brought in by our current families.
So, a huge thank you to those parents who worked on the day – some for the whole day. We couldn’t have had a successful day without you.

Newsletter Issue 13: 11th November 2022

Hello again to all parents, carers and community members.
School is very busy at the moment. We held the first of our four Prep Transition sessions yesterday; nearly fifty eager young children joined us and spent time with the Prep teachers and of course in our lovely Investigations area. We look forward to the next one next Wednesday.

It is important that we have all the enrolment forms submitted, as it is getting late in the year and we want to announce the classes and teachers for 2023 as soon as possible. So if you have a child who is ready for school, or know of a child who is, please get in touch
with the office.

You will soon receive information about a fundraising effort on Election Day. The opportunity is too good to miss; we will have sausages, cakes and some other
really terrific items on sale. So keep a lookout for this, and the request for volunteers for part of that day. Swimming for junior students is coming to an end; some great gains have been seen in both water safety and confidence in the water for these young children.

Newsletter Issue 12: 27th October 2022

Hello again everyone, we are all looking anxiously at the weather forecast in preparation for our Mini Fair on Friday. If the weather is wet, we can certainly organise things in different locations; the jumping castles are the only things we may have to be without. Either way, I know there will be many happy students and tired teachers. Thank you to the few parents who have offered to help with the stalls and activities. It’s one of those days where we do need extra hands
I also want to remind everyone about our pupil free days this term:
• Monday 31st October is a report writing day for teachers, so students do not attend.
• Tuesday 1stNovemberis of course a public holiday
• Monday 21st November has been allocated as a “professional practice” day.
They will be looking at our planning for 2023 and finalising any assessments before reports are completed. This is a good time to remind you to let me know if there is anything I should know about placement for your child/children in classes next year. Thank you to those who have already done so.

Newsletter Issue 11: 13th October 2022

Welcome back to term 4! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break. It’s hard to believe we are already at the beginning of the final term of 2022. Helen has returned from her well-deserved holiday, and I will resume the role of Assistant Principal, so this will be my final newsletter.
Term 4 is always a busy term with so much happening around the school. We have an Art Show, Mini- Fair, swimming for Foundation to Year 2, excursions, incursions, Prep transition program and we will be farewelling our Year 6 students with a graduation ceremony. Teachers will also be very busy with assessment and report writing.
Transitioning to 2023
It is that time of the year where we start preparing for the organisation of grade placements for 2023. This is always a tricky process as multiple considerations must be made to ensure that all of our students are placed in an environment that will best support their learning needs. As such this does need to be a collaborative process where students, parents and staff combine their collective knowledge to ensure success.
If you are aware of any families who live in our local area that have not yet enrolled their child could you please let them know they need to do so as soon as possible. We are all looking forward to meeting our new preps and their families in the coming weeks.

Newsletter Issue 10: 15th September 2022

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As we approach the end of term, I reflect on what has been another busy and enjoyable term. Our students have had many learning experiences including PIT Gymnastics, Book Week Activities, Reservoir Cup Futsal & Basketball, as well as a class excursion to Queen Victoria Market.

Our Prep Transition ‘introductory’ program this term has been very successful with 40 preschoolers attending over the six sessions that were provided. The program will continue in Term 4 with four formal Transition sessions for students and their parents/carers. Prep enrolments are still being taken for 2023. Please contact the Office.

We have a few exciting events coming up in Term 4, including the Art Show, the Mini Fair (more information below), Swimming for Foundation (Prep), Year 1 & 2, an excursion to Healesville Sanctuary and Interschool Summer sports begins.

Newsletter Issue 9: 5th September 2022

You may notice a new face in the Front Office…we are excited to tell you that we have appointed Bianca Soh as our new Office Administration Assistant. Bianca will be working in the Office each morning and afternoon and will also continue to teach keyboard lessons in the middle of the day. Join us in welcoming her to our school.
Helen is taking some well-deserved long service leave for the next few weeks. She is travelling to Alaska and Canada and will return week two of term 4.

It has been a busy term so far with lots of fun and exciting events for our students!


As part of our Prep Transition program, Reservoir Primary School is excited to welcome parents and prospective Prep students to attend weekly one hour transition sessions.
During these sessions,  your child will be immersed in one of our Prep classes, working and playing alongside our current Prep students. 



Welcome to the August edition of our Foundation newsletter. This letter will focus on how we run our Transition Program.

What is Prep Transition?

Prep Transition is a program designed to help students ease into the school environment in preparation for their first year of school. They spend time playing in Investigations, making crafts and learning their way around the classroom and school environment.